♥ R A R A ♥
The Disclaimer

La Tahzan Innallah Maana . Hasbunallah wanikmal wakil. Innallaha ma'asshobirin ♥

Diaries Owner Linkies Stuff

Welcome to Amoyy Rara's :) Enjoy it ♥

Le' Music



basecode: Nurul AtiQah
Edit by: Cikmimin
Re-Edited By: Dinda Novia

Be Mine

Assalamualaikum :')

Hey there's , now I wanna story something :'(
Oh , God damn I Miss you so much ! Dear , pardon me for not with you when you are in trouble . #IMissYou #ILoveYou .

 Okay , awak .. Terima kasih sebab jadi  yang terbaik untuk org . Really2 Appreciate it :) Awak , jangan sedih2 okay ? Org ada dkat dgn awak , In shaa allah :') Jadikan apa yang berlaku ni sebagai penguat semangat untuk meneruskan hidup . Jangan putus asa okay . Ada hikmah lepas apa yang berlaku , percayalah . Allah Maha bijaksana :) La Tahzan Innallah Maana , Jangan bersedih sesungguhnya Allah sentiasa bersama kamu . Awak , kalau ada apa2 masalah , cerita dkat orang okay :) Jangan pendam . Nanti jadi lagi teruk . Awak kena Fokus dkat PMR . Hafiq kuat kan :')
 Last but not least , "God damn you're beautiful to me . You're everything , yeah that's beautiful .Yes to me :)" Grow old with me dear ? You're the one for me :) jyeah , the ONLY one <3 ILove You :) Keep Calm and Love Hafiq :* #GodDamnYou'reBeautifull